Atlanta Redemption Ink, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization offering tattoo covers or removals to survivors of exploitation, trauma, and abuse. Reaching survivors with domestic violence markings, track marks, self-harm scars, breast cancer scars and tattoos forced on by gangs, pimps/traffickers. Our heart is to see restoration brought to the survivor and hope prevail. A Survivor of exploitation who grew up in a Christ centered and loving family, Jessica has always had a heart for outreach and local missions. She won state awards for the arts, female vocals, and poetry. Her world began crashing around her at the age of 15 Jessica was being sexually abused by a “friend” of the family. This led to a downward spiral of self-harm and she started experimenting with drugs. Jessica dropped out of high school and ran away from home. She answered an ad in a local paper for a customer service rep and was lured in by a trafficker. She was branded (tattooed as property) and exploited for 4.5 months. She managed to escape nearly losing her life. This led to a downward spiral into further addiction and abusive
relationships. Jessica stepped into recovery in May 2008 and turned her life over to God. She met her husband in her church and they have a beautiful little girl. Her trafficker is now serving a life sentence in prison for trafficking, multiple counts of battery, multiple counts of statutory rape and murder. Her “brandings/tattoos” were covered in 2016. Soon after ARI was birthed to reach survivors of not only trafficking but domestic violence, self harm, addiction, breast cancer, trauma and abuse.