Apprentice Company

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The Horizon Theatre Apprentice Company is designed for early-career theatre artists interested in ACTING, PLAYWRITING, STAGE MANAGEMENT, PRODUCING, and DIRECTING as a professional career or as a further line of graduate studies. Horizon’s Apprentice Company is an immersive experience in which the rigors and unwritten expectations of a professional career blend with the joy of discovering who one can be as a professional theatre artist.

Horizon’s Apprenticeship distinguishes itself through its focus on training young artists in the New Play Development Process. Horizon Theatre’s commitment to the creation of new works in contemporary theatre is the foundation from which the apprentice company is built. Creating a home for the voices and artists of today and tomorrow fuels our choices.

DISCOVER the Unwritten Rules of the Trade

BECOME a New Play Development Process Artist

RECEIVE Professional Career Mentoring

PREPARE for Graduate School Auditions and Interviews

NAVIGATE the Transition from Collegiate Life

WHAT TO EXPECT (these details will very likely change for our next Apprentice Company cohort, as we go through a redevelopment process of the program)

In General

  • A 10-month commitment from September through June
  • During the 10 months, a weekly commitment to Monday and Tuesday evenings (7 – 10 pm) and Saturday mornings (10 am-1 pm) for masters classes, rehearsals and other activities
  • Lifelong connections to peers, mentors, and artists
  • Focus on professional development and networking
  • Hands-on experience for future career opportunities
  • Performance opportunities to showcase your work for your peers and the greater Atlanta arts community
  • A progression of master classes taught by seasoned theatre professionals.
  • Group outings to area theatres to see professional shows, readings and panel discussions

As an Actor

  • Master classes taught by working professional. Classes have included scene study, acting and self discovery, ensemble building, clown, devised work, acting for the camera, the musical rehearsal.
  • Extensive training to become an actor well versed and adept at the new play development process. Process includes table reading expectations, discovering a character, the dramaturgical Q & A, and rehearsal before a script is “frozen.”
  • Training and coaching for the Monologue and Callback Audition
  • Minimum of two performance opportunities for the apprentice company; First Look Play Fest Series – A Night of New 10-Minute Plays & A Night of New One Act Plays
  • Equity Membership Candidacy (EMC) Weeks

As a Playwright

  • Weekly writers’ lab with Playwright Mentor/Instructor. Lab work will include weekly assignments and prompts accompanied by engaging discussion of style, tone, structure, opportunities and more in a supportive peer environment.
  • Working drafts of two new 10-minutes, a one-act and a full-length play generated in the writers’ lab, over the course of the 10-month apprenticeship, for workshop production in the First look Play Fest Series.
  • Workshop productions of 10-minutes and One Acts in the First Look Play Fest Series – A Night of New 10-Minute Plays & A Night of New One Act Plays. Process will include table read with dramaturgical Q & A, professional directors and auditions to cast from actors in apprentice company and performances before an audience.
  • Participation in or auditing of master classes.

As a Stage Manager

  • Serving as stage manager for all Apprentice Company productions and classes/activities with guest artists and instructors.
  • Becoming well-versed and trained in the new play development process.
  • Serving as Production Stage Manager for the First Look Play Fest Series, which will include coordinating multiple plays and directors in rehearsal, tech and performance schedule in conjunction with the Apprentice Company Director in the capacity of producer.
  • Serving as the Assistant Stage Manager for at least two mainstage productions reporting directly to Horizon’s resident Equity Stage Manager as a component of training.
  • Getting hands-on experience for future career opportunities by building relationships and working alongside professional designers and technicians.
  • Elevating your current skills into bankable experience.
  • Participation in or auditing of master classes.
  • Equity Membership Candidacy (EMC) Weeks

Interested in Producing or Directing

  • The job of a Producer requires a solid grasp of every aspect of the theatrical process. Candidates for this position will be expected to actively participate in all areas and will serve as assistant to the Director of the Apprentice Company.
  • The job of a Director requires a solid grasp of every aspect of the theatrical process. Candidates for this position will be expected to actively participate in all areas. They will be allowed access to all mainstage rehearsals and, when needed, assist directors of the First Look Play Fest Series.
    Applicants in these areas will need to provide additional application materials at the request of the Apprentice Company Director.

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Applicants must:

  • Be hardworking, energetic, team-oriented, self-motivated and self-disciplined
  • Applicants must have a degree from an accredited university or college, or equivalent training and or experience.
  • Be hardworking, energetic, team-oriented, self-motivated and self-disciplined
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • Be able to commit to the entire 10-month time frame
  • Reside in, or be able to relocate to Atlanta metro area from September to June
  • Have the ability to lift 30 pounds
  • Carefully read through all instructions and submit a thoughtfully-completed application. If you are questioning whether your equivalent training and/or experience is sufficient, please submit a resume for consideration.

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How to Apply to the Apprentice Company

We are not accepting applications at this time.

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2019-2020 Apprentice Company 

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Apprentice Company Shows & Events

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Where Are They Now?

Past apprentices have been employed by professional theatres all over metropolitan Atlanta, including Horizon Theatre, Actor’s Express, Alliance Theatre, Aurora Theatre, Serenbe Playhouse, Synchronicity Theatre, and many more.

They have also been employed in Atlanta’s burgeoning TV/Film industry.

Others have gone on to graduate school both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as being cast in professional touring companies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get paid as an apprentice at the Horizon?
No, there is no paid stipend. Our professional hands-on experience, extensive master class training, and individual mentoring are offered to our apprentices free of charge.

Does Horizon offer Equity Membership Candidate (EMC) weeks?
EMC credits may be granted at this theater.

Can I do other shows during my Apprenticeship?
No. Once your contract as a Horizon Apprentice member begins, your theater work will be limited to the Horizon.

Will I need another job to support myself?
Yes. Most apprentices also work as waiters, baristas, retail employees, etc. during their time at Horizon.

What is a typical weekly schedule like?
Apprentices will typically find themselves in classes two to three days per week (usually Monday and Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings). Classes usually last two to four hours each. When you are assigned show duty as a Front of House or backstage crew member, your weekly hours will increase. Mainstage Show schedules are typically Wednesday-Saturday evenings with matinees on Saturdays and Sundays.

What are typical duties outside of class and rehearsals?
Each apprentice has two crew assignments over the 10 months (one backstage requirement crewing nightly for the run of a mainstage production, one front of house requirement alternating nights with other apprentices for the run of a mainstage production). Apprentices assist Technical Director with all strikes. And Apprentices work alongside staff for opening nights, holiday parties and marketing events.

OTHER QUESTIONS? Please contact

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