Dorsey Jones, Case Manager, youthSpark
A graduate of Morris Brown College where she obtained a B.A. Degree
in Criminal Justice, Dorsey is a former Probation Officer with Fulton
County Juvenile Court, where she served out her passion to rescue
young girls in trouble and encourage them to discover their true
potential and believe in themselves. Physically and emotionally
abandoned by her own mother, Dorsey overcame poverty, sexual
exploitation and homelessness to become one of the most
compassionate and impactful juvenile court professionals in the State
of Georgia. Still fighting her own battles from a difficult childhood,
Dorsey pours herself into her husband Carlos, her four children, and
exploited run-away children. She is the author of the book, “Stretched
Beyond Measure: When The Angels Were Crying”, and a motivational
speaker. Dorsey turned her own tragedy into triumph, and she gives
God all of the credit and glory for her success.