Watch some of your favorite Horizon artists celebrate our planet and its future! Experience a dozen short plays and scenes from local and national writers whose stories and styles are as diverse as their settings. From RuPaul’s fracking ranch in Wyoming to a dreamworld of talking trees, go on a series of adventures with over 20 characters straight from your computer. This was recorded with a live Zoom audience on May 13, 2021 at 8pm. You’re sure to leave this virtual live performance full of theatrical Love for our Earth!
Click a Title Card to go directly to that play in the full YouTube video!
Have you heard about the Energy Innovation Act, a bill on climate change under consideration in Washington? This bill raises the price of fossil fuels across the board, based on how much CO2 they produce, with a “carbon tax” on the fuel companies (amounting to about 10 cents per gallon of gasoline each year). The US takes all the money collected, and returns it to all citizens, share and share alike, putting money into everyone’s pockets, while saving lives from the air pollution and making affordable clean energy.
We’d get to Net Zero by 2050, incredibly, because this shifts all the paybacks for saving energy and getting off of fossil fuels. This would allow us to take vacations and get travel insurance! The bill is sponsored by 58 U.S. Representatives. Learn more and make an informed choice about supporting climate change and HELPING PLANET EARTH, the only home we have.