Ebony Jerry (#8) is a former 2017-2018 intern at Actors Express. Her theater credits include: Angels in America Part 1, Angel Understudy (Actors Express); The Christians, Congregant Understudy (Actors Express); 6 Characters in Search of an Author, Actor (Hillsborough Community College); Simpatico, Rosie (Hillsborough Community College). She has her A.A. from Hillsborough Community College and her B.F.A from SCAD Savannah in theater, with a minor in acting for the camera. This is Ebony’s first time at Horizon Theater and she’s super excited to be debuting in her first professional show. She would love to thank her family, and her AE interns (SQUAD!), for always being there supporting and believing in her dream. Mommy, Daddy I made it!!