DENISE ARRIBAS is a human/actor/dog-mother from San Juan, Puerrrrto Rrrico where she was born and raised until she arrived on the shores of Atlanta, GA, a few years ago. She’s a stage/tv actor in Atlanta performing all around town in theatres that are super fancy and others that are not as fancy. You might have seen her in tv shows like Ozark, Echoes, Hawkeye, Stargirl, or The Game…but not if you blinked or checked your phone for a second. She humbly blessed the Horizon stage in Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, The Book Club Play, and Cafe Putanesca. She’s elated to be included in this improv show where she’ll actually be encouraged to make up her lines, unlike in other plays. Thank you to everyone involved who will hopefully make her look hilarious, either on purpose or not. Most importantly, thank you, audience member, for supporting live theatre and choosing to spend it here tonight instead of watching Housewives of Beverly Hills for the third time. @denisetheawesome on Insta!