Ann Marie Gideon Makes Horizon Debut
September 17th, 2012
Ann Marie Gideon makes her Horizon Theatre debut in Time Stands Still. Though new to Horizon, Ann Marie should be a familiar face for many Atlanta theatre-goers.
Who are you playing in Time Stands Still?
I play Mandy Bloom, a young energetic 25 year old event planner. She is open, excited about life, and eager to make friends and to please. She is smart and kind with no ill intentions.
What drew you to this role?
I thought it was a fabulous play to begin with. I loved Mandy’s innocence and thought, “I’m nothing like her.” But as I’ve grown into the role, I’ve found I’m more like her, and I want to be like her.
Horizon patrons might have seen you around town in?
Either at Georgia Shakespeare for the past three summers playing Cecily in The Importance of Being Earnest and Hero in Much Ado About Nothing or in The Bachelorette with Pinch ‘N’ Ouch.
What has been your favorite role to play?
I am really enjoying this one!
Have you worked with the other members of the cast before?
I have never worked with Robin Bloodworth before, but have worked with Carolyn Cook and Chris Kayser at Georgia Shakespeare. I am loving getting to know Robin.
What is your favorite line in the show?
“I get to choose the location. You know, like where?”
When not performing, we might see you?
Running down Highland.
Do you have any projects on the horizon?
I will be appearing in A Christmas Carol at the Alliance Theatre as Fan, Scrooge’s younger sister.